One of the YouTube channels I really enjoy watching is SOO the Milwaukee Road by William Sampson. William does an excellent job on each episode showcasing his outstanding modeling, prototype history, providing great modeling tips, and even mixing in a bit of humor. His videos are very entertaining with professionally executed editing and visual effects. In his latest video he showcases his layout track plan, a brief tutorial on using XTrackCAD, some weathering tips and techniques for a couple of flat cars, and his Favorite Things segment.
I first learned about William Sampson on Lionel Strang’s A Modelers Life pod cast. In the interview he explains the history of the SOO the Milwaukee Road name for his layout and how he got into model railroading. He models the SOO Line 1985 when it took over the Milwaukee Road so he can run both railroad paint schemes on his layout as the merger had just occurred. In addition, his father models the Great Northern in 1970 and William also has videos on his father’s layout. William is very knowledgeable about railroads in the upper Midwest and is incorporating this knowledge into his new prototype based layout. Below are a few photos of his amazing modeling.
Be sure to check out and subscribe to William’s Soo the Milwaukee Road YouTube channel, you’ll quickly see why it is one of my "Favorite Things".