I wrote an article, How to model a modern lumber yard, which appears in the March 2018 issue of Model Railroader magazine. In the article I describe how I built the Capitol Building Materials lumber yard structure, lumber racks and fencing including the operating gate you see in the photo. The structure was built using a Pikestuff Motor Freight Terminal and Modern two-story office building kitbashed together. The article also includes an illustration and instructions on scratch building building the lumber racks from styrene. The lumber wraps were custom made in a photo-editing software program and printed on Hammermill 32 pound acid-free laser paper to replicate the look of the plastic lumber wraps used to protect the lumber. The fencing is constructed with K&S .020 music wire soldered into a framework and covered with tulle cut into 1 1/8" wide strips. The modeled facility can accommodate up to two 72' centerbeam flat cars. When modeling a lumber facility it is important to leave an unobstructed area on both sides of the industry siding so forklifts can remove materials from both sides of the railcars. Lumber yard workers must unload equally from each side to prevent tipping the car over. I hope you give my techniques a try when you build your own lumber yard facility.